When I think of Apple products, the words ornate, baroque, and exuberant are not what springs to mind. Yet the new Apple store in downtown LA is in a freshly renovated Broadway theater built in the Baroque revival style. Designed by the renowned theater architect S. Charles Lee, the Tower theater opened in 1927. The Tower theater is located at 8th and Broadway and operated until 1988 when it closed down and has remained vacant until now. Apple has done a thorough and proper restoration job utilizing the talents of restoration specialists, artisans, and engineers. The contrast of Apple’s sleek line of products displayed on uniformly arranged tables with the background of the theater is striking and works quite well visually. Every surface inside and out looks fresh, as if it were newly built. On a related side note, these photographs were edited on Apple equipment.
Mezzanine level
Behind the scenes | PPE required to be working on site